What are the 5 natural treatments for epilepsy?

Antiseizure drugs have traditionally been used to treat epilepsy. Even though they can be incredibly beneficial, some drugs may not be suitable for everyone and, like all medications, may cause negative effects.

Organic remedies and alternative medicines are used by some persons with epilepsy to either reduce their symptoms or complement their current medicines. There are numerous options available, ranging from herbs and vitamins to biofeedback and acupuncture.

Although some natural remedies are validated by some research, the majority of them aren't. Natural remedies for epilepsy have significantly less proof than traditional therapy

1. Herbal treatments          

The following are some of the most widely utilized epilepsy herbs:

  • burning bush
  • groundsel
  • hydrocotyle
  • lily of the valley
  •  mistletoe
  •  mugwort
  •  peony
  • scullcap
  • tree of heaven
  • valerian

2. Vitamins

3. Dietary changes 

4. Self-control and biofeedback

  •  meditation
  • Walking

5. Acupuncture and chiropractic care 

A few of the natural herbs mentioned above can really cause sickness or even death. There is currently insufficient scientific evidence that most natural treatments effectively cure epilepsy. The majority of evidence is anecdotal. Herbs can induce a variety of unpleasant side effects, including headaches, rashes, and stomach issues.

Different herbs and drugs are effective for different types of epilepsy.  Many people experiment with many therapy options until they find one that works for them. Epilepsy is a dangerous condition, and it's critical to avoid seizures. Natural remedies may be used in conjunction with your medical treatment. These therapies may potentially improve your treatment in some circumstances.

In-depth conversation with your neurologist is the safest strategy to manage epilepsy. Adding herbs or other remedies without contacting your doctor may reduce the effectiveness of your medicine and increase your risk of seizures.


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