Could pain in back of head be a tumor?
A bad headache might be frightening. If you're suffering
from terrible headaches, it's difficult not to think the worst. If the pain
persists or returns, you may be concerned that you have a serious ailment such
as a brain tumor.
Although headaches are frequent in the general population, the vast majority of
them are unrelated to cancer.
According to the Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center, the chances of your headache being an indication of a brain tumor are quite slim.
"red flags" that can indicate a serious illness, such as
- Seizures
- Nausea and vomiting
- Numbness
- Swelling of the eye or vision problems
- Weakness or paralysis, especially on one side of the body
- Speech impairment
- Personality change
With medication, food, and lifestyle modifications, or a combination of
therapies, a physician will help you to relieve the pain of severe headaches. X-rays, CAT scans, and other diagnostic procedures are rarely
essential or even recommended because they reveal little about the cause of a
Headaches are unpleasant, but there are a variety of
treatments that might help you manage them. And simply knowing it isn't cancer
will probably provide you some relief.
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